Treasures of incalculable artistic value, arranged in the splendid Palazzo Vitelli's chest
The beautiful rooms of “Palazzo Vitelli alla Cannoniera” host the Town Art Gallery of Città di Castello. The ancient palace was built during the Renaissance by the Vitelli family’s will on the occasion of the marriage between Alessandro Vitellli and Paola Angela Rosso of San Secondo Parmense.
The building can boast the participation of famous artists of the Renaissance: the graffiti decoration on the beautiful façade facing the garden is attributed to Cristoforo Gherardi.
In the many frescoed rooms, the Art Gallery preserves works from 1300 to 1900 and is one of the most important museums in Umbria for the works kept.
The staircase that gives access to the noble floor is beautifully frescoed with a complex celebratory and symbolic decoration: Sybille and Prophets, Apollo and the Muses, Wise and Emperors of the ancient times which are attributed to Cola dell’Amatrice and to Gherardi. The collection of works preserved at Palazzo Vitelli is second in Umbria, by importance, only to the National Gallery in Perugia.
The museum has 30 rooms in which works of the most important masters of the past are exhibited; among the most significant are the "Stendardo della Santissima Trinità" by young Raffaello Sanzio, the "Martirio of San Sebastiano" by Luca Signorelli and the "Incoronazione della Vergine" attributed to Domenico Ghirlandaio. Of great interest is also the ceramic collection of Della Robbia and the “Reliquario di Sant'Andrea” by Lorenzo Ghiberti.
The collection is enriched by the works of the artists of the XXth century, including Carra, De Chirico and Guttuso.