From Piero della Francesca to Alberto Burri. A journey to discover the artistic treasures of Valtiberina.
A tour that offers the unique opportunity to admire the great artistic masterpieces of Piero della Francesca, Raffaello, Luca Signorelli and of the great master of contemporary art Alberto Burri. The journey in this territory that begins not far from the Tiber, the sacred river which crosses Rome before reaching the sea, will allow you not only to discover unique artworks but also beautiful villages and enchanting castles framed by natural landscapes that will leave you breathless. The beauty that invades this strip of earth, between Umbria and Tuscany, inside and out of the Museums, will leave you an unforgettable memory.
Ex Essiccatoi Burri
Madonna del Parto di Monterchi
The Art Gallery of Città di Castello